Wouldn't it be nice to have simple directions for inner freedom?
Like Google Maps..... It would read something like this:
"Take Interstate Love north to exit 1 onto Patience Road. Make a right at the light onto Forgiveness Lane. After 1 mile make a left onto Purpose Drive. At the 4-way stop sign keep straight onto Conflict Resolution Boulevard. 3 blocks down make a right onto Peace Avenue. Take the next left onto Financial Independence Way. Inner Freedom Estates is straight ahead on your right.
You have arrived at your destination!"
That would make life so much easier. But hey, who's looking for easy?
Challenges are what create strong character. The journey through multiple dimensions of self-awareness is a privilege. Each piece, after being closely evaluated, can fit into the space designated just for it.
So. . . .
What are The Puzzle Pieces of the unique relationship we have within ourselves?
The First Piece is Self-Identity
It’s the bedrock of the human spirit, soul and body. Who we are and how we see ourselves sets the tone for all other pieces of the puzzle of me.
The Second Piece is Self Love
Once we are aware of our personal identity we can learn the art of loving and nurturing the deep layers of who we are. This is not the love feeling that makes us all tingly inside. It’s a love commitment to meeting myself, wherever I am and growing to where I need to be.
The Third Piece is Audience of One
Developing the ability to see “self” without buffers and without the fragile false ego.
Warning. . . this piece of the puzzle is for MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. Self-mastery is the ultimate goal of an excellent life and the path is much less traveled.
The Fourth Piece is Purpose
Finding and creating meaning by sitting at the right tables is essential for self-fulfillment. Having the courage to build a new table when the one I need does not exist can be a game-changer.
The Fifth Piece is Personal Brand
This is the part of me I choose to make public. The warrior in me should have the ability to protect self while expressing contributions to society. Fitting this piece into the “puzzle of me” is heavily dependent on our ability to let go of that fragile ego, the one that needs constant validation for exterior appearance instead of contributions to community.
The Sixth Piece is Life Systems
The basic, self-organized methods I use to operate in life. This is a form of self-infrastructure that includes self-care, economic well-being, social support and communication styles.
The Seventh Piece is Significance
Both in the current community and in the future generations to come.
This determines the value of my life contributions. Whether those contributions are building up or tearing down my community and culture.
To sum this up:
There are at least 7 pieces to the puzzle of me. Self-identity is the starting point for all other pieces. Considerable ingenuity, patience and common sense must be used to put these pieces of “self” together.
In a logical way….
One step at a time. . . a balanced “Me” becomes a stronger community of “We”.
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