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Spiritual Communication: Meditation vs Prayer

Remember those Verizon commercials?

Can you hear me? Can you hear me now?

That question still rings relevant today. Communication keeps us connected and being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important life skills to learn.

Spiritual communication is a different kind of experience.

It’s a sacred connection, first within yourself, then if desired, to something bigger than self.

It involves both listening and speaking. This is where the lines are often blurred.

While most western cultures have been taught extensively about prayer, many are left wondering about the purpose of meditation.

Health benefits have been reported by both meditation and prayer participants,


  • stress and anxiety reduction,

  • better focus and impulse control,

  • enhanced sleep quality,

  • and an increase in overall well-being.

So what is the difference between meditation & prayer?


The first difference is their purpose.

The intention of prayer is to speak—it’s an outward expression. The motive in meditation is to listen—it’s an inward reception.

Together, when balanced both ways, they complete the spiritual communication process.


The second difference, is in the speaker and audience.

This is where it gets interesting. While prayer is usually spoken to the creator of the universe, listening in meditation can be designed with 2 different goals:

  • The first one is to hear self,

  • And the second one is to hear from a higher power.

Let’s dissect that.

We are made of 3 parts: spirit, soul and body.

In meditation, we use our internal hierarchy for mindful equanimity. It’s a calm mental state achieved by focusing on the present moment.

First, our body is intentionally stilled, in a chosen position of comfort, to voluntarily submit to the soul.

With the increase of technology use, our brain’s dopamine cravings can elevate levels of stress, anxiety and restlessness.

Therapeutic techniques are used to calm the body, like:

  • closing your eyes to minimize visual stimulation,

  • sitting upright with a straight back for healthy breathing posture,

  • or relaxing your shoulders to ease tension.

Next, the soul, which is the mind, will-power and emotions, is intentionally quietened to voluntarily submit to the human spirit.

Techniques like repetitive deep breathing to exhale at the beginning not only assists with emotional control, but is also a focus point to shift from interactivity with the mind’s thoughts, to self-awareness of those passing ideas.

The most interesting aspect of meditation occurs in the human spirit. The first goal to hear oneself is complete when self-awareness is achieved.

Your human spirit is aware of the mind, will-power and emotions. It’s a conscious awareness without interaction.

This is when you experience the difference between spirit and soul, reaching the highest level of your internal hierarchy, with intuition, soul-awareness and the ability to see “your” bigger picture.

Your human spirit is now in charge.

This is where the first meditation goal for self is achieved. You have reached the top of the internal hierarchy in the human spirit.

However, with the second goal to hear from the creator of the universe, we continue our aim upward for the purpose of transcending above self, to experience life from the highest perspective possible.

As human beings, we have a drive to become more than our individual selves, we have convictions that something extremely important is happening, and a desire for those peak experiences of wonder, of awe.

The belief that there’s more to life, something that’s lying beyond the limits, of our ordinary, individual existence.

Spiritual Attunement is happening, that harmony between self and the creator of the universe.

We are open to explore beyond self.

And in a spiritual way. . .

One step at a time,

A balanced “Me” becomes a stronger community of “We”.

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One topic at a time. . . from the inside out.

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